Celebrating Advent Through Song | Day 1


What are you doing this season to point your family towards Jesus?

Day 1 | Come Thou Long Expected Jesus

Scripture to Ponder: Luke 2:22-38

First of all, let’s explore the purpose of the celebration of Advent. The word advent is derived from the Latin word “adventus,” which means, “coming.” For Christians, Advent is a season of preparing and waiting for the coming of Christ (source: https://catholicexchange.com/deeper-meaning-advent-latin ). There are many ways for families to celebrate advent together (more on that to come), but one of my favorite ways is through the songs and hymns that play throughout the season, which are often rich with theology and point us to the true meaning of Christmas.

Many of us (like myself) anxiously await Thanksgiving Day so that we can begin to listen to these songs without too much judgment from others. Starting today, and throughout the month of December, our family will be listening to various Christmas hymns and discussing how the lyrics of the songs connect with the gospel story. Follow my “Songs of Advent” Playlist on Apple Music (@llbuffaloe).

What are you doing this season to point your family towards Jesus?

Day 1- Come Thou Long Expected Jesus

Scripture to Ponder: Luke 2:22-38

[Verses 1 and 4 written by Charles Wesley]

Come, thou long-expected Jesus,
Born to set thy people free;
From our fears and sins release us;
Let us find our rest in thee.
Israel's strength and consolation,
Hope of all the earth thou art;
Dear Desire of ev'ry nation,
Joy of every longing heart.

 [Verses 2 and 3 added later by Mark E. Hall]

Joy to those who long to see thee,
Dayspring from on high, appear;
Come, thou promised Rod of Jesse,
Of thy birth we long to hear!
O'er the hills the angels singing
News, glad tidings of a birth:
"Go to him, your praises bringing;
Christ the Lord has come to earth."

Come to earth to taste our sadness,
He whose glories knew no end;
By his life he brings us gladness,
Our redeemer, Shepherd, Friend,
Leaving riches without number,
Born within a cattle stall;
This the everlasting wonder,
Christ was born the Lord of all.

Born thy people to deliver,
Born a child, and yet a King,
Born to reign in us for ever,
Now thy gracious kingdom bring.
By thine own eternal Spirit
Rule in all our hearts alone;
By thine all-sufficient merit
Raise us to thy glorious throne.

Lindsey BuffaloeComment